Stopping queue managers in WebSphere MQ for Windows
To stop a queue manager running under WebSphere MQ for Windows:- List the names (IDs) of the processes currently running using the Windows Process Viewer (PView)
- Stop the processes using PView in the following order (if they are running):
AMQZMUC0 Critical process manager AMQZXMA0 Execution controller AMQZFUMA OAM process AMQZLAA0 LQM agents AMQZLSA0 LQM agents AMQZMGR0 Process controller AMQZMUR0 Restartable process manager AMQRMPPA Process pooling process AMQRRMFA The repository process (for clusters) AMQZDMAA Deferred message processor AMQPCSEA The command server AMQXSSVN Shared memory servers AMQZTRCN Trace - Stop the WebSphere MQ service from Services on the Windows Control Panel.
- If you have tried all methods and the queue manager has not stopped, reboot your system.
Stopping queue managers in WebSphere MQ for UNIX systems
To stop a queue manager running under WebSphere MQ for UNIX systems:
- Find the process IDs of the queue manager programs that are still running using the ps command. For example, if the queue manager is called QMNAME, use the following command:
ps -ef | grep QMNAME
- End any queue manager processes that are still running. Use the kill command, specifying the process IDs discovered using the ps command. End the processes in the following order:
amqzmuc0 Critical process manager amqzxma0 Execution controller amqzfuma OAM process amqzlaa0 LQM agents amqzlsa0 LQM agents amqzmgr0 Process controller amqzmur0 Restartable process manager amqrmppa Process pooling process amqrrmfa The repository process (for clusters) amqzdmaa Deferred message processor amqpcsea The command server
Note: Processes that fail to stop can be ended using kill -9.
If you stop the queue manager manually, FFSTs might be taken, and FDC files placed in /var/mqm/errors. Do not regard this as a defect in the queue manager.
The queue manager should restart normally, even after you have stopped it using this method.
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