Saturday, May 8, 2010

Understanding of Websphere Message Broker

What is distributed messaging?

Applications in an organization or across organizations might be running on various platforms.
The applications might be developed in different languages using different protocols. Hence the message format/language/protocols in which the applications exchange messages will be different.
Communication through messages between applications on distributed environment is known as distributed messaging

What is the need to integrate applications on distributed environments? Is the integration of applications not easy without brokers?

Integrating applications is recommended with the rapid growing business needs in distributed environment.
For instance, The message sent by an application may not understandable by the target application. Therefore, the integration of such applications becomes very complex if we do not have any interface/ broker in between to make the communication easier.

For example: Consider an example where a customer reaches a travel agency.
There is an application A which needs to talk to application B to achieve the business objective. However A and B are written in different languages. Therefore for application A to communicate with application B, B should understand the message sent by A. This logic needs to be embedded into application B. And if B needs to send any acknowledgement to A, application A should have the capability to understand the message sent by B.
This becomes very complex with more number of applications in an enterprise.

What is a Message Broker?

Broker is a powerful broker that allows messages to flow between disparate applications across multiple hardware and software platforms. Using the message broker capabilities, business rules can be applied to these messages to route, transform and enrich information.

What are the features/Capabilities of Websphere Message broker?

Message routing
Transformation & Enrichment

What are the different components of the Websphere Message broker runtime environment?
  • Broker
  • Execution groups
  • Configuration Manager
  • Broker domain
  • User Name Server
How do you connect/disconnect to a broker domain?

There are two ways to connect to a broker domain
1. Websphere Message Broker Toolkit
2. Configuration Manager Proxy Java API

How do you stop the message flows running in WMB Toolkit?

On the Broker toolkit Broker administration perspective, navigate to
Broker topology
Execution groups
message flows - right click and stop it.

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